Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good news and bad news...

The bad news is, a few nights ago, I noticed that Charlie was coughing at night. Kind of a dry cough, but often and persistent. I thought it might be hot and that was it. Or perhaps he was getting his head caught in the top of the crate at night because it is large wire holes and they like to stick their heads out of the top to look around. I thought maybe he was irritating his throat or something. I wasn't really sure. Well yesterday when I came home from work, I noticed that he had green snot on his nose. Hmmm...I was tired and went to bed soon after. In one of my middle of the night googles (yes, seriously. That's what I do in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.), I searched the symptoms and holy crud. Kennel cough. No. Flipping no. It would be one thing if it were the foster pups, though bad enough, but what about the pup that we have? We really cannot handle another loss. Yes she's almost 4 and she should be fine, but it's super contagious and there's no guarantee.

So I called the rescue (suggested if you foster) the next morning from work to let them know the symptoms and ask for suggestions. They said it sounded like kennel cough. Come get some medicine. I told them Sage did not seem sick, just Charlie. By the time I got home, Sage has green snot, too. Blargh.

They are both on antibiotics now and we will keep them longer since they need to get healthy before they can go back and they definitely cannot go back to the rescue or get their spay/neuter until they are healthy. We have a 7 day course of antibiotics to give them, but hopefully they will feel better within 48 hours.

The good news is, we had to weigh the pups to see what they needed for medicine and they are HUGE! Even the rescue representative was shocked! Sage weighs 12lbs now and Charlie weighs 16lbs! Holy crumb! I knew they had grown quite a bit, but had no idea they had grown THAT much! Wowsers!!!

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