I have a problem. It's called offering myself even when I shouldn't.
So I had been sick for...three weeks, at this point. I saw the S.O.S on facebook. The rescue that I work with had puppies. CUTE SQUEEEEE!!!!! puppies!!! So being my brilliant self, I say "If you ever need help, you know where to find me!" Well...we ALWAYS need fosters. How many do you want and when can you come get them?
Tomorrow? Okay!
So began our 3rd foster. I was feeling a little better by this point. I could actually get out of bed without screaming (until the next day, anyway) so that was saying something! My daughter (9) wasn't feeling well that day so off we went to Asheville.
C goes to look in the puppy cage, comes around the corner and says "Mommy, I REALLY hope those are NOT the puppies that we are getting. They are HUGE!!!" and I think her eyes popped out of her head. haha She had made the mistake of thinking they would be in the same cage that we had gotten the other ones. Turns out they had a full grown hound and lab in the cage that day. ;-)
I must say, I love, love, love this rescue. I love walking in. I love talking to the people. I love seeing the animals. I love seeing the volunteers. I just believe in this place so very, very much. I feel "home" there. Anyway, the foster coordinator leans down to my daughter and says "These puppies could REALLY use a bath." ;-) DD bathed the last litter before we brought them back so that they would be nice and fresh before their spay/neuters. It still amazes me that the foster coordinator remembered that, with everything else that she has to remember!
So these pups were CUTE and big. Like probably catahoula/hound/pitt/anybody elses guess, but they were still puppies and the SQUEEEEE!!! came later once they were cleaned. Because when I first smelled...er...I mean...saw? them? My first thought was OH. EM. GEE!!! you guys are shmelllyyyyyy! ;-)
We got them home and I bathed them right away. Too big of a job for C! Did I mention shmellllyyyyy?! And then I put a collar on each of them. They are finally tolerating them. Next step is leashes.
They are growing like weeds. So tall. They have these big fat thick heads and they are so sweet, soft and gentle. They love cuddles. They take their big fat heads and put them right under your chin and just snuggle up. They are crate trained and good with the kids and they just love to snuggle.
We will for sure miss Sage and Charlie when they go back. We have them for two weeks.
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