Thursday, September 8, 2011

My intent.

My intent for this blog is not to shame or guilt anyone in to adopting, fostering, etc. Not even to shame or guilt in to spaying or neutering (though I firmly and strongly suggest it!). I do not want you to foster or adopt if you do not want to. That would not be fair to the animals. I also do not want you to take on more than you can handle. Again, not fair to the animals.

My intent in this is to educate and show that it truly is so feasible. YOU set your limits.

For instance, I did have a negative animal adopting scenario during the Summer so I am pretty firm on what I can/will foster. Right now, we are signed up to foster young puppies or a puppy. We have 5 children and didn't feel like it was good for them for us to bring in larger unknown dogs with unknown temperaments. Once my children are grown, what I am willing and able to foster will change.

And truly, even if you cannot foster or adopt, there is something that almost anyone can do. Even if it's donating a can of food to the shelter, old blankets, helping out at an adoption event, going to pet or walk animals...I cannot even possibly cover everything that they need help with. Not just financial help, but actual working or petting hands. Even if you don't think you are able to, it doesn't hurt to give them a call and see if there is anything that you can do. Even if it's just a hour a month or dropping off bleach for them to clean with. It takes so many people to make a rescue work, some with lots of times and abilities and some that may only be able to do one thing. Reach out...see what you can do...

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